
Emily and I love to travel, hike, explore, and try new food. God has blessed us with many opportunities to explore his creation.
I love reading my Bible and consider reading the Bible to be my biggest hobby. Most of the time I actually read my Bible on my Kindle. When we travel my Kindle is my most important piece of luggage.
In high school I saved all of my money from working so that I could earn a pilot's license. While I am not able to fly often,  I do enjoy renting an airplane on occasion when we travel to see an entirely different perspective of the area.
Both Emily and I consider our trip into the Grand Canyon to be one of our greatest adventures.
Emily is especially skilled with her camera and Hawaii was a wonderful place for her to take pictures.
In 2011 we were able to visit the West Wing of the White House and even step foot in the Oval Office.
I have always dreamed of owning my own plane so Emily bought me a nice drone so I can at least have my own aircraft.
The hiking in Yellowstone yields some spectacular views.
Emily's consulting work has given her the opportunity to visit Trinidad and Tabago on a couple of occasions. I was even able to come along on one trip.

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