Don't Forget the Radio

Video Description

Starting at 31:20 Nathan Wakefield walks through Ephesians 6:10-20 in this sermon titled Don't Forget the Radio.

Aligned With Christ

Video Description

Starting at 36:15 Nathan Wakefield walks through Mark 3:7-35 in this sermon Aligned with Christ.

Shorter Sermons

The sermons here represent some shorter (15 minute) sermons that I preached in seminary.

Set Aside Self-Glorification

Mark 10:32-45

The Son of God set aside his glory and honor humbly modeling suffering and service. The individual seeking to follow Christ must set aside their desire for self-glorification and instead follow Christ in humble service.

When the Going Gets Tough

Genesis 26:12-33

Even when the going gets rough and taking a wrong action seems like the best approach, God can be trusted to keep his promises. When faced with opposition, choose to respond righteously trusting God to keep his promises.

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